Apr 14, 2011

We have learned Bloom's Taxonomy before, but now we learn more about Bloom's Taxonomy in revised version. 

Here, I have some application of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy to our previous learning, business programming.

I remember that in the previous course of Principles of Business Programming, we had learned basic concepts and techniques of developing computer in business environment. We use Microsoft® Visual Basic® 2008 to create our own unique programs.

We can divide 6 level of Bloom's Revised Taxonom into 3 aspects. However, I would like to discuss each of 6 different level only- the hierarchy of learning.
Let's look back to the past of our learning....


In the beginning, we need to know what Microsoft® Visual Basic® can perform, such as what functions each toolbox buttons have, how to design the window of our program

We also need to remember programming languages, like some symbols, statements, structures, etc.

Some examples:

Relational operators
   ‘=’ mean ‘Equal to’
  ‘<>’ mean ‘Not equal to’
  ‘>’ mean ‘Greater than’

Data types
  ‘str’ mean ‘string’
  ‘int’ mean ‘Integer’
  ‘dec’ mean ‘Decimal’
  ‘Boolean’ mean ‘True or False’

  If <condition> Then
  <Statement executed>
  End If


…………..and so on

We should keep those in our memory.

We should understand why the programming codes are set in the specific ways, why we need to write some statement first, otherwise there is an error.

For examples:

When I want to make the program have ability to be entered any data and then calculate them, why I firstly need to type the following statement-

Dim (variable) As (Data type)
(E.g. Dim strWelcome As String )

The reason we learn is that computer need to store data in RAM to process, and the variable is a location in RAM that we name (e.g. I named it strWelcome.)

If the code cannot be processed by the program firstly, the data cannot be stored in RAM. So it must set a location in RAM for the data, then the computer can calculate or process those data you enter. Also data must be stored in a particular data types like string (any word) or integer (integer number). One of the reasons is that it will cause errors if the computer calculates the English alphabet.

We realized and understood the principles and reasons which explain knowledge of programming.

After we had learned programming language of Visual Basic and, we have the ability to set the program interface by using different functions, select and use different code to express and construct a set of instructions in a programming language to tell the program to do a specific task. It is like a job to translate the meaning of human orders into programming language.

For example:
If I want my program to save ‘welcome to our blog! ’ that I enter in text-box(named txtEnteringData) in my program, I would set a variable named strWelcome and then store the word ‘welcome to our blog!’ in the variable.

Dim strWelcome As String
StrWelcome = Me. txtEnteringData.Text

When we had more experiences in writing code, we knew how to categorize functions of code such as types of data (Alphabetic, numerical, Yes or No), types of statements like conditional statement(e.g. If….then & in the case)

We can also compare different statements. For example, we should analyze which expression ways of programming code are better to minimize the workload of the computer (avoid using too much code that are not necessarily needed), and at the same time those can make the computer to do the same tasks.

Although Microsoft® Visual Basic® will help user to check errors of code, we also need to assess our program. For example, we would judge whether the program is user-friendly, the design of the user interface is attractive or not. Also, we will consider how well your structures of code is, since if your code is structured bad, it is difficult to find problems or improve the functions of your program.

From the beginning of learning, we need to follow the instructions to create a program that are similar to the model program that the textbook and the PowerPoint showed. So we did not generate a new thing.

Until we knew many skills and knowledge about programming, we can combine all things we had learned, and then use our creativity and learning to design our own program by make a creative user interface and write carefully organized code to make it have an additional special functions. This is program innovation.

You can download Microsoft® Visual Basic® 2008 in Microsoft website.

Do you have any idea about Bloom's Taxonomy or our past course of Principle of Business Programming ?

Feel free to share your opinions

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